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Waunfawr Primary School

Unlocking Excellence
Yn Agor Rhagoriaeth

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Targed 6

Top 10 on the leaderboard for a Welsh game online!

Pupils sharing opinions and ideas to discuss advantages of learning Welsh digitally on Hwb/JamBoard.

All pupils in KS2 have QR codes in Welsh books linking to Welsh language activities.

Creating conversations set in ‘Y Caffi’ using iMovie.

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Pupils using iMovie to create weather reports in Welsh!

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Encouraging the parents and wider community to develop Welsh language skills.

An example of pupils using different digital tools to compete different tasks in Welsh, independently!

An example of pupils recording their own oracy activities for Brawddeg yr Wythnos.

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Pupils sending emails through the medium of Welsh.

A selection of Welsh apps pupils can access and use independently.


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