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Waunfawr Primary School

Unlocking Excellence
Yn Agor Rhagoriaeth

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Targed 2

Using DOJO to support parents having opportunities to view Brawddeg Yr Wythnos and take part with their child, watching modelled examples first.

Pupils in the Foundation Phase becoming aware of their Welsh identity.

Welsh websites and apps shared with parents on social communication sites.

Class poster by pupils in Year 4/5 explaining why the advantages of learning Welsh.

Activities completed by all classes during a termly topic focused around Y Cwricwlwm Cymreig.

Pupils watching Ein Hiaith videos to become aware of Welsh identity.

Designing the Welsh Mascot for KS2!

Criw Cymraeg having the difficult task of choosing the Welsh mascot for KS2.

Pupils completing activities to learn about the historical aspects from Y Cwricwlwm Cymreig.


SWGfL Report Harmful Content