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Waunfawr Primary School

Unlocking Excellence
Yn Agor Rhagoriaeth

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Targed 5

Siaradwyr Cymraeg Yr Wythnos awards given out by Criw Cymraeg.

Criw Cymraeg modelling and leading activities during Welsh assemblies.

Sharing different key phrases in assembly by Criw Cymraeg members,

Criw Cymraeg demonstrating games in Welsh assemblies.

Diwrnod Shwmae Sumae 2022

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Criw Cymraeg Assembly 02/02/22

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Dydd Santes Dwynwen Hapus

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Y Tywydd Assembly by Criw Cymraeg

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Criw Cymraeg leading our school Welsh prayer!

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The Year 5 and 6 members of Criw Cymraeg presented a live assembly on Teams to the whole school reminding them of our key phrases to ask and answer around the school!

Just one example of the Criw Cymraeg introducing the Brawddeg Y Pythefnos!

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