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Waunfawr Primary School

Unlocking Excellence
Yn Agor Rhagoriaeth

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Targed 10

An active Criw Cymraeg

Singing sessions in Welsh!

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Opportunities to practice ordering items in real life situations.

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Practising Welsh at the doctors' surgery.

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Using Welsh in our Ardal Adeiladu.

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Bwrdd Sgribl, facilitated by Criw Cymraeg for pupils to respond to Brawddeg Yr Wythnos for each half term.

Cadair Boeth warm up for Welsh guided reading sessions.

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Leaning new exciting Welsh games for classroom games.

Marking comments shared with teachers in the school marking policy.

Opportunities for pupils to practice using Welsh in real life situations.

Criw Cymraeg developing games for the classroom and yard.

Pupils using Welsh in real life situations e.g. asking for snack.

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All classes had Welsh singing/music sessions in the Spring term looking at a range of Welsh music.

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Ready to celebrate Wales and our Welsh identity by watching the World Cup matches!

Pupils play a range of classroom games and interactive games through Welsh.

A Jamboree session with schools from around Wales celebrating the Welsh football team heading to the World Cup!

Criw Cymraeg busy planning their action plan for the year!

A selection of stickers rewarding pupils.

Siaradwyr Cymraeg yr Wythnos certificate, handed out in weekly celebration assemblies.

Interactive displays for pupils to use daily.

Gêm Iaith - ZAP

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Watch the Criw Cymraeg introduce and demonstrate how to play a new language game, ZAP, to use in our daily Welsh sessions!


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