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Waunfawr Primary School

Unlocking Excellence
Yn Agor Rhagoriaeth

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Family Engagement Officer and Attendance Lead

Attendance Update January 2025 

Dear Parent/Carer,

Schools across Wales continue to face challenges with poor attendance and punctuality. To address this, the Strategic Lead for School Improvement in Caerphilly has written to all parents, encouraging families to work closely with schools to minimize time away from the classroom.

At Waunfawr, we are proud of our improving attendance rates, thanks to your ongoing support. We deeply appreciate your efforts in helping us keep absences to a minimum.

Encouraging Attendance
We aim to make school a place your children want to attend every day. To achieve this, we’ve introduced a variety of initiatives, including:

  • Celebration assemblies
  • Quackers the duck mascot
  • 100% attendance raffle prizes
  • The exciting half-termly ‘Day the Ducks Come Out to Play’

These initiatives encourage attendance and celebrate our pupil's’ commitment to learning.

Callio Colour Banding System

We regularly monitor attendance and may notify you of your child’s attendance percentage and their current colour band. This is an opportunity to discuss with us how we can support improved attendance.

Attendance can fluctuate early in the year, particularly after illness. However, regular attendance throughout the rest of the year can help improve your child’s overall percentage.


Attendance %  

over a full year 

School Days missed over a full year 






These pupils are more likely to gain the best grades in school. 











It will be much harder for these pupils to keep up with work 



and gain the best results. 

You may receive a letter 

You may be invited in for a discussion with the school 









These pupils are missing too much school. This is likely to 



affect their grades and wellbeing.  

You will receive a letter. 

You may be invited in for a discussion with the school and the EWO  




If attendance remains low, you may receive a letter, be invited for a discussion, or meet with the Education Welfare Officer (EWO).

Reporting Absences
Parents must contact the school on the morning of the first absence and keep us updated if it continues. You can report absences by:

  1. Dojo App – Send a message to Mrs. Walkley with details and any supporting documents (e.g., medical appointments).
  2. Call – Contact us from 7:30 a.m. on 01495 270269 and choose the absence option.


Medical Appointments
Whenever possible, appointments should be scheduled outside school hours. If unavoidable, please send appointment details via email or Dojo to authorise the absence.


Holidays During Term Time
By law, parents/carers cannot take holidays during term time without permission. Applications must be submitted at least two weeks in advance and will only be approved under exceptional circumstances.

Being on time is a legal requirement and is closely monitored. Persistent lateness is treated like irregular attendance and can lead to unauthorised absences or legal action.

Unauthorised Absences
Absences may be marked unauthorised for the following reasons:

  • Late arrival after the register closes
  • No explanation provided or unsatisfactory reasons
  • Attendance patterns raising concern or a history of red Callio letters
  • Term-time holidays when attendance is below 95%

Unauthorised absences are addressed through the Family Engagement Officer, Headteacher, and EWO. Prolonged unauthorised absences can lead to prosecution.

Fixed Penalty Notices
In line with Caerphilly County Borough Council (CCBC) policy, persistent absences (10 unauthorised sessions in 10 weeks) may result in a Fixed Penalty Notice. Following a warning letter, attendance will be monitored for 15 days. If no improvement occurs, a fine or legal proceedings may follow.

If you have any concerns about your child’s attendance or well-being, please contact me via the school office or email me directly at

Thank you for your continued support.



Attendance Awards

Recommended Time to Keep Individuals Away from Settings because of Common Infections


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